Level Up Your Tendering Game

  • Tendering on Autopilot
    Our flexible subscription options allow you to pay annually, quarterly, or monthly, based on your total tender volume. We guarantee that the savings you’ll gain will far exceed the cost.
  • Unrivalled Data
    Our comprehensive database sources data from 86,000 purchasers of MedTech and Pharma products and services. This provides you with the latest market information and invaluable insights, crucial for your business growth.
  • $150M+ in Savings
    With a proven track record of delivering over $150 million in operational savings, Vamstar brings unmatched expertise to enhance your tendering performance. Boost your team’s morale and close more deals with confidence.

Improve my tendering performance

Total Number of Tender Lots Participated Per Year

Cost of Developing and Submitting a Tender Lot in $(USD)*

Total Organisational Costs in USD


Savings from Generative AI and ML in Tendering**


Total Yearly Savings


*Based on 200+ Tender and Pricing Team Implementations

**Time and Efficiency Savings from the Industry